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What is Medical Billing?Medical billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered by a healthcare provider. Medical billing translates a healthcare service into a billing claim. The responsibility of the medical biller in a healthcare facility is to follow the claim to ensure the practice receives reimbursement for the work the providers perform. A knowledgeable biller can optimize revenue performance for the practice.
If I want to switch my current billing service to EZ Billing, how would this transition work?Once you’ve given the required notice to your current billing service and are ready for the transition, we will let you know all we need to get started. We will work with your office to ensure easy, fast and maximum cash flow back into your business.
What is the cost of your medical billing services?Our charges are based on percentage (starting from 6%) of the total provider’s contracted rate, which includes insurance payments, co-pays, co-insurances, deductibles, self-pays (only if any claims submitted as Out-of-Network), etc. We offer a variety of options to our customers based on their budget and practice status.
How does EZ Billing handle the “cash” patients?If EZ Billing does not do any work on cash patients (invoices, superbill, statements, etc.), there would be no charge and you will not be charged a fee.
Are there any set-up fees to get my billing started with EZ Billing?We have a nomial set-up fee in order to get started.
What is Credentialing?Credentialing is the process in which written evidence of qualifications are obtained for Practitioners seeking to participate under contract with a specific health plan.
Do I get to choose the insurance panels I want to be on?Yes! When you sign up for credentialing with us, you get to choose which panels you want to be credentialed with and which ones you do not want to do so.
Can I start seeing clients while I am going through the credentialing process?No! You are not considered an "in-network" clinician until your credentialing is complete.
Once I am credentialed, can I start seeing clients?"No! Credentialing with the plan is only one step in the process. You also must obtain a contract with the plan. Many times contract talks are happening as credentialing is being completed.
Can I bill for services once I am credentialed?No! you must complete individual contracting with the panel under your own Tax ID. If you are joining a group already contracted, you will just need to be added to the contract.
Do I need a service location to begin credentialing?Yes and No! Due to the on going changes in Telehealth services, some insurance panels might allow you to use your home office as the service location.
What is CAQH and how do I register with it?CAQH stands for Council of Affordable and Quality Healthcare. Most commercial payers require that you have the CAQH profile completed before you begin the credentialing process. Panels use the CAQH to verify providers personal information as well as education and work history. You can register with them at no cost to you:

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